Create a product and assign / modify attributes values

This mutation assumes that below already exists in the system:

  • template with code template

  • textarea attribute with code description

  • textarea attribute with code short_description

  • text attribute with code text

  • pl_PL language is active

Note that each mutation is aliased (create: (...)). Aliasing is required if there are at least two same mutations in one batch - productAddAttributeValueTranslationsTextarea in this case.

For simplicity, all mutations have been aliased in the example but it'd also suffice to only alias duplicates.

mutation {
  create: productCreateSimple(input: {sku: "new_product", templateCode: "template"}) {
  assignDescription: productAddAttributeValueTranslationsTextarea(
    input: {
      sku: "new_product"
      attributeCode: "description"
      translations: [{ value: "Długi opis", language: "pl_PL" }]
  ) {
  assignShortDescription: productAddAttributeValueTranslationsTextarea(
    input: {
      sku: "new_product"
      attributeCode: "short_description"
      translations: [{ value: "Krótki opis", language: "pl_PL" }]
  ) {
  assignText: productAddAttributeValueTranslationsText(
    input: {
      sku: "new_product"
      attributeCode: "text"
      translations: [{ value: "wartość", language: "pl_PL" }]
  ) {

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