Files format

Overview of the import and export files format

The entire format is represented as an .zip archive containing the following .csv files.

Only zip-archived files are processed properly in case of an import - a simple .csv file upload won't work.

The maximum file size is set to 250 MB.

Columns are separated using ","(comma) or ";"(semicolon) separator depending on the configuration.

Files have to be UTF-8 formatted.

Cell value needs to be escaped with the " sign if it contains a column separator. "sku1,sku2" - forcomma separator

"the ; sign is called semicolon" - for the semicolon

The files are placed in the zip archive as top-level entities. Those should not be placed in a subdirectory within the archive - an often mistake for MacOS users - when using right-click menu on a directory containing files and using the option Compress "directory" which does just that.

Below you can find an example of import data.

Please refer to a specific file description for more details.

Last updated