Files format
Overview of the import and export files format
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Overview of the import and export files format
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The entire format is represented as an .zip
archive containing the following .csv
Only zip-archived files are processed properly in case of an import - a simple .csv
file upload won't work.
Files within the archive must be named accordingly as in the documentation below.
The maximum archive size is 250 MB.
The maximum single file size within the archive is 1000 MB.
Columns are separated using ","(comma) or ";"(semicolon) separator depending on the configuration.
Files have to be UTF-8 formatted.
Cell value needs to be escaped with the " sign if it contains a column separator.
"sku1,sku2" - for
comma separator
"the ; sign is called semicolon"
- for the semicolon
The files are placed in the zip archive as top-level entities.
Those should not be placed in a subdirectory within the archive - an often mistake for MacOS users - when using right-click menu on a directory containing files and using the option Compress "directory"
which does just that.
Below you can find an example of import data.
Please refer to a specific file description for more details.
products.csv - the product data
multimedia.csv - the multimedia resources
categories.csv - the categories
category_attributes.csv - the category allowed attributes configuration
category_trees.csv - the category trees
category_trees_elements.csv - the category trees configuration
completeness_sets.csv - the completeness sets
multimedia_folders.csv - the multimedia folders
attributes.csv - the attributes
custom_fields.csv - the custom fields
options.csv - the collection attributes options
units.csv - the units
templates.csv - the templates
templates_elements.csv - the templates configuration
section_templates.csv - the section templates
section_templates_elements.csv - the section templates configuration