allows identifying the import profile.
list of HTTP Headers to be sent by import while downloading Multimedia. For example, those can be used to authorize when requesting multimedia files via URL.
determines what sign divides columns in the imported file.
a list of resources participating in the import process. If a resource is included in the import and its files are missing in the ZIP archive the import is not started with an error message about the missing file. Only files of included resources will be processed and others in the archive will be ignored.
following options are available:
Attributes - requires attributes.csv
and enables support for custom_fields.csv
Categories - requires categories.csv
Category trees - requires category_trees.csv
and category_tree_elements.csv
Category attributes - requires category_attributes.csv
Completeness sets - requires completeness_sets.csv
Options - requires options.csv
Products - requires products.csv
Templates - requires templates.csv
and templates_elements.csv
Sections - requires section_tempates.csv
and section_templates_elements.csv
Multimedia - requires multimedia.csv
Multimedia folders - requires multimedia_folders.csv
Units - requires units.csv