allows identifying the export profile.
a list of resources generated in the export.
following options are available:
Attributes - includes attributes.csv
and custom_fields.csv
Categories - includes categories.csv
Category trees - includes category_trees.csv
and category_tree_elements.csv
Category attributes - includes category_attributes.csv
Completeness sets - includes completeness_sets.csv
Options - includes options.csv
Products - includes products.csv
Templates - includes templates.csv
and templates_elements.csv
Sections - includes section_tempates.csv
and section_templates_elements.csv
Multimedia - includes multimedia.csv
Multimedia folders - includes multimedia_folders.csv
Units - includes units.csv
limits the exported files to lines containing values only in specified languages.
determines what sign divides columns in the exported file.
works only within the context of products. Once you edit or add new products only those changes will appear in the export.
works only within the context of products. Only products available within chosen segment will be exported to products.csv
works only within the context of products. When textarea value contains variables those will be either exported as #attribute_code or as parsed value.